Chute/problème d'IPS [fusionné]
in Problèmes de compte et assistance technique
Posted by: Soswolf.9541
La vaste blague de réponse sur les forums anglais :
As previously mentioned we are still looking into performance and low framerate issues that some players are experiencing despite having a system that exceeds the minimum requirements (
If this is affecting you, we would like to recommend the following suggestions:
First, please make sure you have the latest Service Pack for Windows. Depending on which operating system you have, the latest version will vary:
7 = Service Pack 1
Vista = Service Pack 2
XP = Service Pack 3
You can check this by typing “Windows Update” in the “Search” bar of your “Start” menu. Please be sure to download all critical and important updates.
Next, make sure that you have the latest video card drivers from your video card manufacturer (AMD, Nvidia, Intel). The websites in the links provided below have an auto-detect feature which will detect your graphics card and operating system and will locate the most recent driver for you.
AMD autodetect:
Nvidia Autodetect:
Intel Autodetect:
Please note that both AMD and Nvidia have Beta drivers that you can install to see if these have any effect on your performance.
In addition, one of the many causes for low performance with high end graphics cards is that their PCi-Express GPU is plugged into a 1x|4x slot rather than a 16x slot. For players who have recently upgraded their video cards, we recommend ensuring that the GPU is plugged into the proper PCi-Express slot for maximum performance.
If you have an AMD or Nvidia graphics card, please see below for additional settings that you can try to tweak for improved performance:
For AMD cards:
1. Right-click on your desktop and select “Catalyst Control Center.”
2. Select “Preferences” and left-click “Advanced mode.”
3. Click the “Gaming” tab on left.
4. Select “3D Application Settings.”
5. Under the heading “Anti-Aliasing” checkmark “Use application settings” but do not check “Morphological filtering.”
6. Under the heading “Anisotropic filter” checkmark “Use application settings.”
7. Under the heading “Tessellation” checkmark “AMD Optimized.”
8. Under the heading “Catalyst A.I.” move the slider to “Performance.”
9. Under the heading “Wait for vertical sync” move the slider to “On, unless application specifies.”
10. Under the heading “Anti-Aliasing Mode” move the slider to “Performance.”
11. Click “Apply” to save these changes.
12. Start Guild Wars 2.
Once loaded, access the “Graphic Options” window and make the following changes:
1. Change “Refresh Rate” to “60 Hz”
2. Change “Frame Limiter” to “60.”
3. Change “Reflections” to “None.”
4. Change “Render Sampling” to “Native.”
5. Enable “Vertical Sync” at the bottom.
For Nvidia cards:
1. Right-click on your desktop and select “Nvidia Control Panel.”
2. Once opened, left-click on “3D settings” and select “Adjust image settings with preview.”
3. Select “Use my preference emphasizing” and move the slider to “Performance.”
4. Select “Use the advanced 3D image settings” and left click on “Take me there.”
This should take you to the “Manage 3D Settings” window. Once here:
5. Change “Power Management mode” to “Prefer maximum performance.”
6. Change “Multi-display/mixed GPU acceleration” to “Single display performance mode.”
7. Change “Vertical Sync” to “Use the 3D application settings.”
8. Click “Apply” to save these changes.
9. Start Guild Wars 2.
Once loaded, access the “Graphic Options” window and make the following changes:
1. Change “Refresh Rate” to “60 Hz.”
2. Change “Frame Limiter” to “60.”
3. Change “Reflections” to “None.”
4. Change “Render Sampling” to “Supersample” then back to “Native.”
5. Enable “Vertical Sync” at the bottom.